i've been losing hope

it feels silly to say this considering i am putting this in public means. i'm sick of fighting every single day. maybe it's totally weird that i've been frequently homeless the last few years, consistenyl varying in severity of sickness, afraid and still very lacking in life.

i'm sick of witnessing injustice. i'm sick of it directly impacting me. i don't have much interest left in living. i've accumulated so many cool skills. i've learned how to do so many things. i know how to do pretty much everything i could need to surive by myself, except make enough money to live and how to mantain relationships without succumbing to the fear of humanity.

i wish i could talk to somebody about all of this. i would have messaged a few people that i know care about me. but it's gotten so bad that i can't stomach this anymore.

my fire is exstinguished.
