video game hierarchy of approach

sample based on competitive games, 5v5s or 6v6s for example

the tiers - quikcly written with intention to further elaborate and update this page

tier 1 us - gaming - existing a shared purpose - we are in the same game together right now - there is 10 of us in this server together - we are all playing this game
tier 2 us vs them - there is emotions to be had our team vs their team
tier 3 it is me and my team vs their team - made of individual players we both desire to win, and only one of us will we are challenging eachother in this game there is a competition
tier 4 we are connecting emotionally, mentally, physically through our pheriphreal inputs, spiritually, our energy impoacts eachother impolite behavior will harm eachother polite behacvior will aide eachother
tier 5 we as a team communicate to win the other team tries to hide their communcations to try to beat us
tier 6 as we strategize, we can advance beyond the other team through proper thinking and mentality, we can defeat them without as much concious output
tier 7 our automated flow leads us to victory through proper knowing of the former 6, we flow into the best game a natural and effortless style applicates, disrespecting neither teammate nor enemy, but doing the utmost to win

the concepts
"where are you on this tier?"
to apply this concept, it requires some self prompting. i will be upfront and explain that i am writing this down for myself, to later reference in my own experiences. to enter the game without tier 1 and 2 mastered, is a purely egocentric concept. tier 3 without tier 1 and 2 is the art of forgetting anything except yourself, making your team and the enemy team humanless. this deeply harms your performance, and frustrates everybody. as my own personal expeirence is to master tier 1 at this moemnt, even talking about higher tiers is pointless, as i do not know or understand the beyond enough, or at all.
tier 1, there is no winning. there is no losing. there is, an amount of players in a game. their identity is people gaming with. they are all equally skilled and valuable in their own way. however, it is hard to notice, as the objective is the only thing to work for. survive, complete the objective, protect eachother. move forward. feelings, thoughts, expressions, communcations, all equally pointless. the goal is to establish safety.

preliminary findings

game 1 - i played an open queue game of overwatch 2. i went in to play, focusing soley on tier 1. voice chat and text chat disabled. my intention is to use zero in game communcation. my eyes are the same as my teammates and the enemies. i entered as venture, and tunneled down mid. i notice my teammates immediately detense, they seem to worry less about a concrete strategy. the other team seemed chaotic and unenthused. we took the point. our one healer left. basic application has me switch to lifeweaver. we move forward. i notice many thanks from my team. the other team gets creative, but does not seem stressed or unhappy. we lost before second capture. the game ended swiftly. i felt relaxed. it went nicer than most games, from both myself, friends ive watched, and streamers or even overwatch league games i've seen. will post more findings as i move forward.
