intro story

Hello there, and welcome to my neocites. I was born in 1997, and I was using computers regularly before 2000 hit. I had windows 95 and 98 computers all the time growing up, and used them far into windows XP. I used dial up with AOL far after easier ways to access the interet were available. I was a poor kid in a single mothers house, and I didn't know much. These computers saved my life.

I grew up relatively alone, and I didn't ever feel like I fit in anywhere. I found solace in video games and technology. I met most of my social life on the internet, and I found access to most of my hobbies. I even ended up building a few computers, with great thanks to gifts from friends and teammates!

--->Forward much, after dabbling in all kinds of lifestyles, I really hoped to be somewhere more stable and healthy in life. I've been in and out of unstable and dangerous housings, difficult enviroments, and homelessness. The future looks bright, but who I am is pretty defined by extreme and prolonged hardships.

I find a large joy in small things. I first learned HTML concepts from internet forums, and that sort of opened up a whole world. Fancy signatures are something I miss. I tried to make websites with javascript, and went on all kinds of adventures on the internet. I gained this creative outlet I really needed. Now I'm starting to bring that back into my life. I make art regularly, deeply love video games, enjoy tarot cards and astrology, and always have plans and dreams. I have a strong desire to live.

I hope to find health, wealth, and joy soon. I believe it is coming, and until then, I will continue updating this website from this perspecive!